On the 24th of May we will go all out in the 'Makerscentrale'! We take you on a journey with light art, poetry, music, theatre, dance and visual arts. I'll be showcasing a part of my series OPEN YOUR INNER EYES in a collab together with Leonie van der Helm.
Exposed exhibits the graduation projects of 2024's 15 Dutch Photo Academy Graduating Students.
This year, once more, Frederike's work can be seen during the Leiden Art Route. For this event Frederike will create a special collaboration with artists Wam Groot and Margreet de Groot. Their joint work will show a diversity of art, including graphic works, paintings, photographs and art objects.
The gallery will be open on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 September from 10:00 till 18:00h at the Oude Rijn 3 in Leiden, the Netherlands.
UNSEEN WORKS, colloboration with fine-art fotograaf Margreet de Groot.